Hi! my name is Mary Maina

Frontend Developer

I am a professional frontend developer passionate about building intuitive, scalable and effecient web applications.



I am passionate about problem solving using technology and it is endless capabilities. I specialize in building exceptional digital experiences and intuitive web applications.. My primary focus is frontend development using React,Typescript and Nextjs to create intuitive user interfaces on the client side. Currently learning backend technolgies using NodeJS and MongoDB.

Check out my latest articles



A CRUD application that allows users to view different blogs and share content online to build an audience for ideas.
Tooling: React, Redux toolkit, Tailwind CSS ,NodeJs MongoDB

Blog app


A Rick and Morty application that retrieves character and episode information, featuring functionalities such as pagination and filtering options based on gender and status
. Tooling: React, React Query, Tailwind CSS

Rick and Morty App


A task manager application that allows users to keep a record of tasks and perform all CRUD operations.Data is persisted in local storage to allow users to access tasks across all sessions.
Tooling: React, Tailwind CSS

Task manager


A lightweight application that mocks an ecommerce application.
Tooling: React, Redux toolkit, NodeJS, Express

Shopping cart


Contact me


I am available for freelancing gigs or full time opportunities.
Contact me.Lets talk!

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